I worked with AT&T and a talented team of producers to expand their reach into the Hispanic, African American, and millennial markets in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles, through experiential activations and influencer collaborations. Our goal was to shift AT&T's brand perception from a "cold" corporate communications giant to a fun and youthful provider of "more for your thing" while also driving customers to retail locations. Overall we were able to increase their sales by an average of over 20% in each city. Below is a small collection of the many campaigns I worked on with AT&T.

We collaborated with DJ Skee to host a live broadcast of DASH Radio inside the AT&T Koreatown store. The event included sneakerhead icons like Josh Luber (Founder of StockX) and The Shoe Surgeon (famous sneaker customizer). Over 75 sneakerheads attended the event and 2 lucky winners received highly coveted collectable sneakers. Part of the promotion leading up to the event included a VIP invite for famous sneaker store owners. The VIP invite box housed a AT&T bluetooth speaker and I designed a scanimation cover for a unique and interactive opening for the recipients.

AT&T organized the KTUphoria Music Festival at the Jones Beach Theater in Wantagh, NY. I designed promotional assets and photo booths with animated neon lights for festival-goers to snap boomerang style .gifs for posting on social media.

Another music collaboration with iHeart Radio gave lucky AT&T customers an exclusive and intimate concert experience with huge artists like Wiz Khalifa and 5 Seconds of Summer at AT&T branded music venues in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles. I designed the environments and the promotional assets for the concerts. While I was not a fan of the art direction AT&T wanted, I gave them what they asked for and saved them money through creative solutions like the light boxes below that imitated neon.

Food Trucks
AT&T wanted to give potential customers more incentives to visit their retail stores in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Another objective was to create interactions between customers and their sales staff. I designed a "Buzzfeed" style personality quiz app (in English and Spanish) that their sales team used to initiate conversations and introduce local AT&T offers. While the first activation of the food trucks served tacos, they wanted the artwork to be flexible for future activations that offered other kinds of foods.